Positionen ensamble studio Debora Mesa

Wir freuen uns, Débora Mesa von Ensamble Studio am 12. November um 19:30 Uhr als unseren ersten Gast der POSITIONEN Vortragsreihe in diesem Wintersemester begrüßen zu dürfen.
Débora Mesa joined Ensamble Studio in 2003 and became a partner of the firm in 2010. She studied at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid where she also completed her doctorate studies. Besides the architectural practice Débora has served as a visiting professor for the Pratt Institute, The Cooper Union, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she also served as a research scientist after she co-founded the Prototypes of Prefabrication Research Laboratory (POPlab) in 2012. She currently serves as the Thomas W. Ventulett III Distinguished Chair in Architectural Design at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Ensamble Studio was established in 2000 by Antón García-Abril and is nowadays a transatlantic office with a studio in both Madrid and Boston, a cross-functional team led by architects Débora Mesa and Antón García-Abril. Ensamble balances education, research and practice to transcend conventions and finds the logic in architecture. Their work bridges and explores the scientific and the artistic in architecture using innovative approaches have resulted in spectacular projects.
Ensamble have become internationally renowned for their boundary-breaking visions of architecture and what it can do for the world. Among the works for which the studio is best known are the Hemeroscopium House and Reader’s House in Madrid and the Truffle in the Costa da Morte. More recently they realized a spectacular project hidden in the earth of Menorca, Ca’n Terra House. Their work is widely published, printed and exhibited worldwide, and they have received international acclaim and awards, most recently the 2017 Architizer A+Award and the 2016 NCSEA Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards.
We hope you are able to join the lecture, from your home, office, home-office, or wherever you might be.
Wir würden uns freuen, Sie am 12. november um 19:30 Uhr in Zoom begrüßen zu dürfen. Klicken Sie hier für den zoom link
Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt.