TOBUILDTALK Modulorbeat 240530

Thursday, 30th of May, 13:00 in the Institute for Architecture, A513 we warmly welcome Jan Kampshoff from Modulorbeat!
Moduleorbeat is a network of architects, urbanists, and designers based in Münster. They operate within the dynamic interplay of city and landscape, generating and overseeing projects and studies as well as engaging in dialogical planning processes. They are known for their temporary experimental structures. For the Skulptur Projekte Münster 2007, they constructed the golden Information Pavilion. Their work "Kubik," a mobile installation made from industrial water tanks, was exhibited in Barcelona, Lisbon, and Milan. As curators of the exhibition "West Arch – A New Generation in Architecture," they presented a snapshot of the young, experimental architectural scenes of West Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands at the Ludwig Forum Aachen. Through their initiative Freihaus ms – Stadt ist, wenn man drüber spricht (Freihaus ms - City is when we talk about it), they have been actively contributing to the discussion on urbanity, urban planning, and architecture in Münster since 2005.
Modulorbeat / 30.05.24 / 13:00 UHR / RAUM A513