TOBUILDTALK Zuloark 240606 12:00

Thursday, 6th of june, 12:00 in the Institute for Architecture, A513 we warmly welcome Zuloark!
Zuloark Collective is a distributed open office for architecture and urbanism founded in 2001 in Madrid with headquarters to Berlin, La Coruña, Berlin, Bologna, Athens and La Palma.
Thanks to the diversity of its members, Zuloark develops a wide range of activities, including architectural design, tactical urbanism and participation, cultural heritage, international festivals, construction workshops and more.
In 2007 Zuloark co-founded the cooperative Zoohaus, initiating the international practical research “Collective Intelligences”. The collective has won several international awards, such as the Nica de Oro or the Arquia Proxima, and has been honoured at the Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo XII, the Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo 2012. In 2014 the Collective received the UN Best Practice Award at the Dubai International Award by UN Habitat for its contribution to the Campo de la Cebada social project in 2014.
Its work has been shown in different cultural institutions around the world, such as the MoMA in New York, the Akademie Der Künste in Berlin, the Lisbon Architecture Triennial and Matadero Madrid.
Since its foundation, Zuloark has had an active involvement in academic contexts, teaching in the Polytechnic Architecture School of Madrid (Spain), University of  Arts Berlin (Germany), Technical Institute of Superior Studies of Monterrey (Mexico), TAI Escuela Universitaria de Artes (Madrid) and more.
Website Zuloark
Zuloark / 06.06.24 / 12:00 UHR / RAUM A513